Revision Rewards Scheme

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On Monday 9th January, we launched a 4 week “Revision Rewards” incentive to encourage Year 10 pupils to engage in regular and thorough revision at home, prior to their examinations which commence Monday 6th February.  Each week, the top reward winners will receive prizes.  It is quite simple, pupils need to show their subject teacher evidence of revision which they are completing at home, in turn they will be awarded a point for their hard effort and commitment.

Well done to the five young ladies in Year 10 who have been rewarded for their efforts so far in preparing for their upcoming Year 10 examinations.  Keep up the great work!


Pictured L:R – Jessica Woodside, Keziah-Jane Crossan, Cody Johnston-Waller, Madison Cordner, Tammi-Lee Sanlon

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