Halloween Bake Off 2021 Winners!

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Halloween Bake Off 2021 Winners are…
 Our Star Baker Award goes to – Jamine Parker (8O) for her absolutely fantastic eyeball masterpiece consisting of a salted caramel cake base with a hidden ‘surprise’ topped with a sculpted eyeball made from Rice Krispies encased into icing, with fingers made from chocolate modelling paste.  The masterpiece was expertly finished off with edible painting.  AMAZING – Well done!
Best Theme goes to – Jessica Irvine (9G) – Jessica is a brilliant baker and one to watch out for in the future, a real talent! Jessica’s pumpkin wasn’t feeling great as it showed us a frightening sweet suprise.  Again, well done Jessica.
Special Model Choice goes to – Louisa Clugston (8E) – Louisa’s Halloween cauldron cake with a creepy spider staring at you was a delight.  Using the typical Halloween colours of black, orange and purple Louisa decorated her masterpiece wonderfully.  Another one to watch out for in the future – Well done Louisa.
Model Choice goes to – Teagan Ivens (10M) – Teagan showed some brilliant piping skills as she decorated her vampire unicorn with multiple colours rose tip pipes throughout.  Well done Teagan.
Special mention to Jodie-Leigh Ireland (10M) for her frightening gory princess doll.
A massive congratulations to our winners, but also to every girl who entered.  Your talent, enthusiasm and effort amaze me every single day – keep it up and look forward to seeing what you can produce for the next Bake Off.  Every girl will receive a certificate in due course and I will be in touch with the winners.
Well done, you all should be proud of yourselves as I am.
Miss Jemphrey
See all of our Bake Off entries below:

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