Toilet Twinning

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In September, 12C GCSE Geography were offered the opportunity to take part in a pilot scheme with Quizlet – a digital learning app.  They wanted the students to test some of the new features of this digital technology and in return they were given free subscriptions to the app for a year, which will benefit their learning in all subjects.
However, Quizlet also provided them with a £100 Amazon voucher for their efforts and while choosing some sweet treats as a reward for their hard work, some of the money was to spent on others.  When the voucher arrived, it was World Toilet Day. At that time the students were learning about Shanty Towns and the fact that one toilet may be shared by over 1000 inhabitants in a slum, so it was decided to do something for those in need and purchase a toilet.
The students have bought a latrine for a village in Mozambique, South East Africa.  This is a vital and generous gift to the village community and will help prevent diseases being spread and will stop babies from dying of dysentery – 1 child around the world dies every 15 seconds from this.  Therefore, while Quizlet are very grateful for the contribution of the students, the students are grateful for a learning experience and the chance to help others less fortunate than themselves.
Well done 12C for demonstrating the Model Way.

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