Year 9 Art – Poppy Display

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This year, the Year 9 Art students have been working on a collaborative project, to create an installation of mixed media collage poppies out of recycled materials.

The inspiration for creating this was the art installation ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red’, by the artists’ Paul Cummins and Tom Piper who created 888,246 ceramic poppies, each of which commemorated a member of the British military killed in the war. The installation flowed and filled the moat of the Tower of London.  Subsequently a smaller piece entitled ‘The Weeping Window’, was installed at the Ulster Museum in Belfast.

The Art Department’s installation comprises over 200 individually created poppies sweeping from the ceiling to the floor of the foyer and we anticipate adding to this each year. As the installation grows, we believe our students, over the years to come, will be proud of the part they have played in creating such a mark of respect for Remembrance Day.

Lest we Forget!

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