Hour of Code 2022! – Part 3

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Thursday consisted of ‘Teach the Teachers’ each year we give a form class the opportunity to Teach our Teachers/Staff Members on how to create a game through ‘Hour of Code’. We had a superb turn out and all staff who participated even got to leave with their very own certificate (but only if they completed their game). It was very much enjoyed by all staff and students who participated.


Coding Continental – Friday was our Hour of Code Continental Breakfast. This is our annual celebratory breakfast to wrap up our Hour of Code week and treat all the students for all their hard work through KS3 ICT. We had an amazing turn out after 3 years of not being able to host it because of Covid. But what an amazing way to end an eventful and amazing week!! Thanks to everyone who helped out especially Post16 and 9ZAW.

On behalf of Mrs L Brown (ICT) a massive thank you to all those who helped this week happen.

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