GCSE Results 2023

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Once again there was much joy and many congratulations at Belfast Model School for Girls, where students and staff celebrated another year of outstanding GCSE / Level 2 results.

Every student in Year 12 in BMSG is entered for at least 6 GSCE / Level 2 courses. ALL Year 12 students are entered for CCEA GCSE English Language and Mathematics.

The details of the Year 12 student cohort 2023 is detailed below

76% achieved 5+ GCSE / L2 equivalent at grades A* – C (96% A* – G)

67% achieved 5+ GCSE / L2 equivalent including English and Mathematics at grades A* – C (96% A* – G)

89% achieved GCSE English Language at grades A* – C (99% A* – G)

71% achieved GCSE Mathematics at grades A* – C (99% A* – G)

100% achieved GCSE Further Mathematics at grades A* – C

Across 13 different subject areas, 90%+ of students achieved at grades A* – C

These impressive but not unexpected results mean that most girls will return to school to study three subjects at Advanced Level over two years. Every Year 12 student achieved at least one Level 2 qualification, which echoes our school motto ‘Achievement for all’.

Many students, too many to mention individually, achieved 7+ GCSEs at grades A*- C. We are delighted that the effort and commitment of both students and staff has brought such merited rewards. I have no doubt that the girls’ parents, who also give such wonderful support, are feeling very proud. We too are very proud of our students and staff.

We are really delighted for our students, their parents, and family circle. The hard work has paid dividends. Year 12 had the motivational mantra of ‘I can; I will’ – they certainly did! Well done to all – wow!

Ms P Stuart, Principal

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