Leading Change at the Girls’ Model

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Our Year 13 students have been participating in a ‘Leading Change’ programme with our North Belfast Area Learning Community (NBALC) partner schools and Barnardos.

A group of students have already participated in a four module leadership and coaching course accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management.  Four of these students were selected to attend a residential last weekend where the young people from the different schools bonded through team building games and activities, practised and fine-tuned their leadership skills, and began to plan some events to take place later in March for the NBALC schools.

The events will take place in the last week in March and will include; a symposium around the topic of ‘Self Image’, some sort of sports workshop, and a short film entitled ‘Belfast 20 Years in the Making’ looking at life in Belfast when the Good Friday Agreement was signed, life today and what the young people hope to see happen in the future. All of these events were suggested by young people! We look forward to seeing their creative ideas come to fruition! Watch this space!

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