Northern Ireland Safer Schools App

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The Department of Education has launched the Safer Schools App.  This is a free app that can be easily downloaded from the App store or Google play.  We would encourage every member of our school community to download this safeguarding app, especially in the current circumstances that we find ourselves in, with students being home schooled and using technology day and daily often as part of their online learning.  This app is designed to equip families, staff and members of the wider community with expert advice on safeguarding and eSafety issues.  It could be described as a “one-stop shop” and contains the latest information about the newest apps, which I am sure you will agree is vital, given the pace at which apps and technology develops and the risks and concerns that naturally arise from these apps.  
We as a school community within Belfast Model School for Girls are reaching out and encouraging our parents and carers, as well as members of the wider family to download this app, in order to further support you as a parent or carers to ensure the children in your care are safer online.   

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