Northern Ireland Schools Trampolining Championships

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On Sunday 21st November 2021, 6 girls from Belfast Model School for Girls travelled to Ards Blair Mayne Leisure Centre to compete in the Northern Ireland Schools Trampolining Championships. The girls were fantastic, especially after not competing for more than 18 months due to covid! They came away with medals, a trophy and 5 spots in this years zonal competitions, held in Wigan in February 2022, where they will compete against schools from NI and England!

The results are as follows:

  • Charlee Wright (elite Year 11-14) 3rd place
  • Mylie Bright (intermediate Year 8-10) 2nd place
  • Sian Walker (intermediate Year 11-14)2nd place
  • Maddie Cunningham (intermediate Year 11-14) 3rd place
  • Sian, Maddie, Eve Fraser (intermediate team Year 11-14) 1st place
  • Sian received a special award – NI execution award – highest difficulty routine for all intermediate sections!

Also, a massive well done to Tia Foster for competing in the Year 8-10 novis section, only her 2nd competition ever! Good luck to all competitors for the next round in Wigan, Feb 2022. Everyone at Girls Model are very proud of you all!

Mrs Hicks



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