PSNI Road Safe Roadshow

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Over 900 Post-16 students and staff from eight Belfast schools and colleges joined us at the Belfast Model School for Girls on Wednesday 7th February to attend the PSNI Road Safe Roadshow.

Designed to bring a greater awareness of taking responsibility to young drivers, the PSNI, Northern Ireland Fire and Ambulance Services and victims of road traffic accidents came together to explain the often life-changing consequences of being irresponsible on our roads. To hear the stories from victims and those who attend the scenes of accidents is a perspective many people, thankfully, never see but for our young drivers and passengers, there is no more important message.

Thanks to the brave men and women who gave us their experiences, and to the sponsors AXA Insurance and Cool FM, the Roadshow has taught us that as road users, we must only ever do what is safe – never drink or use drugs and drive, never use a mobile phone when driving, always drive at a safe speed and never distract someone who is driving.

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