Salvation Army Christmas Hamper Appeal 2020

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There is no shortage of Christmas spirit at the Girls’ Model! In another fantastic effort this year, our girls have put together 61 hampers for the Salvation Army Christmas Hamper Appeal. Not only that, they collected an amazing £120 in loose change which is also being donated to the appeal to bring a bit of joy to families in the local area.

SSLT members Zoe, Brooke, Chloe, Holly, Megan, Nadia, Olivia A, Olivia W, Rebekah, Lucy, volunteer Rachel and Ms Campbell, wrapped, packed, carried and danced (!) until all the hampers donated by each form class were filled and ready to go.

With the help of our friends at Alternatives, Townsend Outreach and our Board of Governors we were able to create some extra hampers to spread some Christmas cheer in the community. From all the form classes at the Belfast Model School for Girls, SSLT and staff, have a very peaceful Christmas and a joyful new year.

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