The Belfast Model School for Girls has modern educational, sporting, creative, performing and community facilities which are second to none. The Girls’ Model can boast:
ICT Provision 
- Ten PC suites
- Three Apple Mac suites
- More than 600 computers
- Leisure centre sized sports hall
- Gymnasium
- Two polymeric hockey pitches
- A polymeric athletics track, with netball court
- Three tennis courts
- Dance studio with sound system and performance mirror
- Fitness suite with treadmills, exercise bicycles and rowing machines
- Sports Hall
- Hockey Pitch
- Fitness Suite
Community facilities
- A professional standard hair and beauty salon
- Conference rooms
- Health Advice Centre
- Early Years Unit
Performing Arts provision in multi purpose hall
- Performing Arts theatre, with tiered retractable seating and professional quality sound and lighting
- Sound and lighting control booth
- Props store
- Green room, dressing room and showers
- Interlinked recording studio
- Interlinked recording studio Drama studio, with stage curtains, lighting and sound system
Education facilities
- Specially designed Music Department, with rock room, orchestra room, Apple Mac suite, and recording studio
- Specially designed Art Department with Apple Mac suite, Sixth Form room and three classrooms
- Science and Technology with seven Science labs and extensive Design and Technology work areas
- Dedicated Media Studies suite
- Large Home Economics suite
- Extensive Learning Zone, with tutorial, teaching, reading, counselling and resource rooms
- Interactive Whiteboards in all classrooms