On Monday 6th February our Student Voice Leadership Team held a whole school Student Council meeting to discuss the following topics:
Behaviour Charter – the SVLT collated feedback from the Behaviour Charter task received from each year group and ranked the top ten priorities for behaviour in the Girls’ Model that were highlighted by the student body. The ten priorities were then summarised into “Six Golden Rules for Behaviour”:
- Be polite and respectful to everyone
- Take pride in your uniform and be well equipped for school
- Move around the school in a quiet, responsible way
- Remain focused on learning in the classroom
- Take responsibility for your own actions
- Take pride in our school environment
Feedback ideas for student spend – suggestions for student spend have been put forward to Principal Mr Wright by the Student Voice Leadership Team.
Student concerns raised at year group council meetings
Student Council reps will now return to their form groups and discuss the important feedback with their class. You can view more information on our Student Council by clicking here.