UPDATED: Year 10 Options Process Key Dates – March 2017

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Click on the image below to view important dates in our Year 10 options process:


Monday 6th March

Year 10 GCSE Options Assembly by Mr Wright

Thursday 9th March

Year 10 evening Parent Information Session in GMS 7pm-8pm leaflets distributed and information on school website.

Monday 13th March – Thursday 16th March

Year 10 GCSE Options Interviews with SLT Students will receive their GCSE Option Forms from SLT at these interviews.

  • Parents will also be invited to attend. Students will have received appointment cards with date, time and venue.
  • Appointment duration strictly 15 minutes.
  • If parent attending please notify Mrs Finlay, Principal’s PA.
  • Please arrive 5 minutes before appointment time and report to reception on arrival.
  • Your daughter will meet you at reception.

Monday 13th March

Repeat event – Year 10 Parent Information Session at Spectrum Centre 7pm-8pm leaflets distributed and information on school website

Friday 17th March

Year 10 Students visit GCSE subject stalls in Gym

Monday 27th March

Option Forms Returned to Form Tutors


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