BMSG Bake Off 2019 took place on Monday 21st October, with eager little faces dropping off their masterpieces as soon as 8:30am!
The staffroom was taken over by 31 works of art, Mr Donnelly couldn’t believe his luck! He was thinking he was sorted for breakfast, break and lunch!
The variety of cakes that were entered was absolutely fantastic, some with a spooky Halloween theme, some easy on the eye and very pretty looking cakes, and some show stoppers too!
After the cakes were demolished by delighted staff, who also mentioned that they were very impressed with the standard of cakes this year, cast their votes for the overall winner.
The following winners were presented with a certificate, the sacred wooden spoon and a book of their choice by Ms Stuart.
- Overall winner – Catie McDowell – Year 10
- Star Baker – Tiegan Ivens – Year 8
- Best Theme – Scarlett and Phoebe Pauley Year 8/9
- Most Creative – joint winners – Zara Ashby and Mylie Bright – Year 8
Every girl who entered a cake this year was also presented with a certificate of achievement.
The standard of cakes was absolutely fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed organising the event this year. The buzz and excitement surrounding the whole event was really nice to be part of. Next year’s Year 8’s have big shoes to fill, but, hopefully those girls who entered this year will do so again next year and be even bigger and bolder in their designs and creativity. Well done to each and every girl who took part. You should all be proud of yourself, as I am of you all.
Miss Jemphrey
- Overall winner – Catie McDowell – Year 10