Important Information: Coronavirus

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Please note: We wish to reassure all students, staff and parents that we are following all advice being issued by the Department of Education in conjunction with the Public Health Agency.  This advice is being updated as and when is necessary in light of any new information that the Department of Health becomes aware of and can be viewed at:

In line with current guidance, we are adopting a ‘business as usual’ approach, alongside a number of general precautions to help prevent the spread of infection.  We have increased the number of hand sanitisers throughout the school and our cleaning staff are disinfecting door handles and touch surfaces etc. daily in addition to their normal cleaning routines.  Students and staff have constant reminders about the importance of good hand and respiratory hygiene.  As parents, could I ask that you remind your children about this also.  Tissues and wipes are also being made available in school.

Contingency plans, in the event of school closures, are currently being agreed by senior staff and will be communicated, in due course, to all parents by letter. Our main aim at this time it to protect and promote the wellbeing of all, as best we can, by following the advice from the relevant and appropriate agencies and authority. We will communicate information to parents via our school website (, social media (Facebook / Twitter) via email and by letter.

Ms Stuart 




Click here to view more information on hand hygiene

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