Year 8 Form Captains/Vice-Captains Announced

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Congratulations to our newly appointed Year 8 Form Captains & Vice-Captains for our first half term. These girls have been nominated by their peers to lead their class in year group challenges and activities and in following the Model Way! Well done girls!
8M – Olivia Black (Form Captain)/Lily Young (Vice-Captain)
8O – Jessica Irvine (Form Captain)/Christen-Eve Dunlop (Vice-Captain)
8D – Emma Kincaid (Form Captain)/Danielle Godfrey (Vice-Captain)
8E – Chloe Best (Form Captain)/Abigail Mooney-Turkington (Vice-Captain)
8L – Elisha Burns (Form Captain)/Aimee Moore (Vice-Captain)
8G – Abbie Hamilton (Form Captain)/Lexi McComb (Vice-Captain)
8S – Keelie Jameson (Form Captain)/Abi Fyffe (Vice-Captain)
8W – Brooke Bothwell (Form Captain)/Rosie Ferran (Vice-Captain)
8A – Abbie Douglas (Form Captain)/Myla Johnston (Vice-Captain)
8Y – Jasmine Stewart (Form Captain)/Maisie Pritchard (Vice-Captain)

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