Remembrance Day Poster Competition 2020

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As part of the relaunch of Art & Design in KS3, Year 9 students were asked to design a poster to commemorate Remembrance Day 2020. We had a great response to the competition with a variety of innovative designs and a winner was chosen from each class.  The best overall design were used to create a display in the School Foyer. Well done Year 9 students!  See below for a list of class winners and their photographs:
Class Winners of the Year 9 Poppy Competition – November 2020
9M – Lauren Galbraith
9O – Alexis Gray
9D – Beth Robinson
9E – Lily Doherty
9L – Cameron McMillan
9S – Lexi Smyth
9W – Tia Foster
9A – Lainie Montgomery
9Y – Grace Long
Highly commended and included on the Display Board
9M – Anna Adams, Diana Adlali, Darcy Doherty, Ashley McClure, Sophie Shaw
9O – Susan Chen, Cassia Clarke, Jodie-Leigh Ireland, Tegan Ivens, Madison McKeown
9D – Robyn Cowan, Cassie Pollock, Nicole Robinson
9E – Only one entry
9L – Only one entry
9S – Sharon Abiona
9W – Georgia Hunter, Roxy, Martin, Chloe-May Young
9A – Ellie Rose
9Y – Grace Law, Zara Ashby, Hannah Page, Phoebe Pauleydison McKeown

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