Letter to Schools Department of Education – COVID-19

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Dear parent/guardian

Please see most recent COVID19 guidance from the Department of Education NI.

Please note: Face coverings are still required to be worn by all persons, including students, at all times within the school building, except when eating / drinking. This will be reviewed by the Executive in October 2021.

Handwashing and personal hygiene is still the main safeguard against catching/transmitting the virus, so remind your daughter to wash her hands often.

All should try to maintain social distancing as best they can.

Schools are still expected to track and trace positive cases, so seating plans for students will be in place for each lesson.

Students will have designated areas for REG, break and lunch. Students will enter and exit via designated doors.

We are confident that students will have access to their full curriculum, use of specialist practical rooms and a rich learning experience, within a safe and protective environment.


 Ms P Stuart

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