Belfast Model School for Girls – A-Level Results 2023

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Oh, happy day! The smiles, the hugs, the tears of joy, the sense of hope and pride – it was such a privilege just to be present this morning as Post 16 students opened the envelopes containing their AS and A2 results.  This year, once again, students at the school have achieved outstanding results, just as we would expect from such hardworking and committed young people –

75% of students achieved three or more A Levels at grades A*-C

100% of students achieved two or more A Levels at grades A*-E 

Year after year, the staff and students at Belfast Model School for Girls continue to overcome the many barriers to learning and student outcomes continue the trend of improvement. As Principal, I would like to pay tribute and give thanks to the highly committed, caring, and hardworking staff, Board of Governors, and parents, who provide the necessary support and drive to ensure that the students of BMSG reach their full potential. Working in partnership with parent’s who value education, working with an exceptionally talented team of staff, having access to fantastic resources, and serving a cohort of students who demonstrate and apply a mind-set of ‘I can, I will’ ‘I believe, I achieve’ proves that anything is possible.

This year’s top ‘A’ Level candidate, Faith, who has achieved A*A*A in CCEA English Literature, Health and Life Science and History, is looking forward to starting her course in English Literature at Queen’s University, while Jessica, A*AA in CCEA Sociology, History and Geography is going to Queen’s to study Law. Very many other girls achieved AS and A2 Levels at grades A*, A and B across a broad range of subjects. I am particularly delighted that so many girls have achieved top grades but more importantly, staff are even more pleased with the fact that at Post 16 nearly every girl achieved the outcomes required to take her, as she had hoped and planned for, to the next stage of her life. Special mention to Katie Napier, Year 14, who has achieved A*A grades in Health and Life Science and Grade A in Health and Social Care. Katie’s grades are a result of her ‘can do attitude’ and never giving up. Katie was ranked 1st in Northern Ireland for Midwifery and will be taking up her place in Queen’s in September 2023. The students’ outstanding grades have allowed the girls to pursue careers across a wide range of professions, accessing degree programmes at Queen’s University and Ulster University, as well as going further afield to study in Scotland, England and Wales or taking up full time employment. Helping our young people make their dreams a reality is the biggest reward for any school and teacher.

In Belfast Model School for Girls, we recognise that each one of our students is unique. Each one is special, and we are very proud of all of them. We value each student as a young person much more than we value any set of results. What matters to us most is that each student continues to grow to become an adult, who is loving, kind, respectful, generous and who makes a positive difference to our world by how they live their life – Model citizens.

So, remember that the scores and grades are only the results of some tests. They are not a measure of your value, of who you are or what you can become. You are a wonderful gift from God to this world.

Belfast Model School for Girls has a long, strong, proud, and vibrant history and tradition of delivering outstanding educational provision for the young people of North Belfast. The success and achievements of the students and staff are well chronicled and documented.  As the school grows to embrace the opportunities and challenges over the forthcoming years, it will continue to offer a learning experience which is first class, with resolute determination, courage, care, conviction, and commitment to securing ‘Achievement for All’ and to continue to learn, improve and grow so that the young people we serve get the best experience possible.

Well done to all!

Ms P Stuart, Principal

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