Belfast Healthcare Trust Student Debate

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On February 28th, our Sixth-Form Debate Team made a significant mark in the Finals of the Belfast Healthcare Trust Student Debate, held at the prestigious Stormont Parliament Buildings. This formidable team, consisting of Primrose McClure, Jodie Anderson, Aman Nisar, Katie Sinclair, and Alisha Lundy, was among the top four contenders, chosen from fifteen schools through a competitive selection process based on two exemplary essay submissions. Marking its inaugural participation in the competition, our school demonstrated exceptional prowess by advancing past Rathmore Grammar School in the semi-finals to face Campbell College in the ultimate showdown.

The final debate presented a profoundly challenging motion, asserting that “healthcare workers should bear criminal responsibility for errors”—a stance scarcely supported within academic, legal, and ethical spheres. This daunting task required our team to engage in rigorous research and sophisticated argument construction. Their efforts garnered the admiration of esteemed academics Professor David Ormerod from UCL and Professor Oliver Quick from the University of Bristol, who praised our students’ diligence and professionalism when they reached out to enquire about medico-legal literature.

Displaying remarkable eloquence, poise, and teamwork, especially during the cross-examination phase, the team impressed everyone present, including their proud parents and attending Members of the Legislative Assembly in the Senate Chamber of Stormont. Despite the formidable challenge, and a judging panel comprising esteemed doctors and surgeons, our team presented a compelling case on a notably contentious topic.

Although victory eluded us this time, the experience was invaluable. The team’s outstanding performance underlines a bright future, and we eagerly anticipate the feedback to further hone our skills. With renewed determination, we look forward to returning next year, ready to make an even more significant impact.

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