The Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) of £30 per week is awarded to eligible pupils who remain in education after compulsory schooling ends (Post 16).
EMA is paid directly into the pupil’s bank account every fortnight to help with the costs of continuing education. Bonus payments of £100 may be received up to twice a year. Bonus payments are made of the basis of how a pupil performs in school:
- Attendance
- Consistent hard work both at home and in school
- Completion of coursework/homework on time and to a good standard
EMA payments can be stopped if a pupil is absent from school without a valid reason or if absence notes have not been provided. Pupils must also attend all classes and sign in and out of school at the designated times in they wish to receive their EMA payment.
Notes from parents are essential if a pupil has been absent from school as in certain cases EMA may still be awarded. Parents should note that:
- Absence due to medical/opticians and dental appointments may be for a half day only. A full days absence will result in an EMA payment being stopped
- Hospital appointments must be proven with an official letter from the hospital which will be photocopied and kept in school
- Family circumstances/problems will not be accepted as a reason for absence from school unless the issue has been brought to the attention of and discussed with the relevant Leader of Learning or by phone
- All sickness must be explained
- Notes should be written on adequately sized paper that allows them to be kept for the pupil’s records