Bruiser Theatre Company Bring “Teechers,” by John Godber, to The Belfast Model School for Girls

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Monday 10th October, saw the assembly hall taken over by the fantastic Bruiser Theatre Company! In what is becoming an annual event, Year 10 students were treated to an afternoon of live theatre at its best.

Teechers is a play within a play. Three Year 12 students put on a performance for their teachers. School leavers, Salty, Hobby and Gail Saunders perform an account of their time in school.

They are particularly inspired by their time with Mr Nixon, the new drama teacher, who ignites their imaginations and passion for creating, through his belief that all children should be treated equally.

As we have come to expect from Bruiser, the performers easily shifted from one role into another, combining fast paced movement sequences with on point characterisation, amid loud blasts of music and flashing lights.

The Year 10 students were exemplary representatives of our school, and both the performers and production team commented on what a fabulous audience they were. The Drama Department sends thanks to Bruiser, and we hope that they will hurry back!


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