Business and Professional Women’s Public Speaking competition

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On Tuesday 15th November, three of our students attended the regional heat for the Business and Professional Women’s Public Speaking competition.

Lucy Moran, Rowan Ross and Elisha Cassidy comprised a team of a chairperson, speaker and expresser of thanks. The students were tasked to work with members of other schools to act as a meeting in miniature, delivering a speech on a topic of national importance.

Lucy and Elisha, as chair and thanker, had to work with the speaker of Ballymena Academy, and Rowan had to work with the chair and thanker from Strathearn Grammar School. This meant Lucy had to write an introduction and biography on her guest speaker in 15 minutes, as well as pose questions to the speaker and handle audience questions. Elisha had to listen and write a thank you speech upon hearing the speech for the first time and deliver it on behalf of the audience.

Rowan was introduced and thanked by the Strathearn team, and she delivered a provocative speech entitled, “Democracy needs to die.” She then handled unknown questions from the chair and audience with confidence and ease.

The students gave a fantastic account of themselves, interacting politely and excitedly with the other schools and BPW members.

Their hard work paid off too as they got through to the Northern Ireland Final to be held in spring 2023.

Well done!

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