ICE CityZen Award Winners Revealed!

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This year six Year 14 Geography students entered the Institute of Civil Engineers Cityzen competition.  The competition was in two parts, the first of which was a video game simulation, where real world decisions had to be made in relation to siting a park, building a bridge, building a housing development. Each decision made in the game had to be justified in terms of cost and social and environmental impacts.  

The second part of the competition required the team to investigate a project in our local area where we could make a difference. The students decided they would like to improve the Harmony Bridge area to make it a viable space for social cohesion and for children to play. Our video was submitted in November and the results were just announced.  Although we didn’t reach the final three on our first attempt, we are chuffed to be the only school from Northern Ireland to be shortlisted and we were the only secondary school from the Uk as a whole.  You can see our proposal below and our near miss will spur us on for a better result next time!

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