STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
For a number of years it has been a widely known fact that not enough young people are leaving school to enter the world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We need to encourage pupils to consider careers in these areas, not least because the job market is very difficult for everyone at the moment, yet skills shortages exist in the STEM sector. At the Girls’ Model we have recognised this and are doing our part to equip the girls with the skills that they need to make a career in science and technology a possibility. This is being done through a co-ordinated approach to learning between the relevant departments.
A number of cross-curricular projects have been taking place over the past couple of years to engage young people in Science, Maths and Technology and to help them to see the links between these subjects.
Throughout the school year students will be involved in various STEM activities. STEM activities take place during class time, after school STEM club and visiting groups. During the last academic year SmallPeice provided workshops to support students in STEM activities. The Smallpeice Trust is an educational charity that inspires young people to pursue careers in science and engineering through events and workshops.

STEM teachers are also carrying out projects with groups of students, within school, in conjunction with the Royal Academy of Engineering.