The student body is led by the Senior Student Leadership Team (SSLT), which is made up of 15 students in Year 14. Year 13 students wishing to apply for a position on SSLT will complete an application form. To progress further, the following essential criteria will be applied:
- Positive attendance (that is above 95% in Year 13 by the date of the application)
- A positive attitude to learning, measured by at least four grade “Bs” or above for “Effort” in all of their subjects in 13 reports
- Contribution to school life measured through regular attendance at extra-curricular clubs, holding a recognised role in Year 13 and contribution to school events
- Leadership skills, qualities and experience both in and outside school
Students will be ranked which then determines whether they will progress to the voting stage. All students in Belfast Model School for Girls are encouraged to vote for the students they wish to represent them on SSLT. The teaching and non-teaching staff can also place votes. The top 15 students receiving the highest number of votes will be invited to interview for positions on the SSLT.
The SSLT meets once a week with Ms L Campbell, Senior Leader of Learning for Post-16, to discuss relevant issues and plan school events.